“On The Right Track” Remote Car Program

“On The Right Track”/The Remote Car Program is designed to en-hance a child's well-being by having a role model that can help the child academically, socially, and/or personally. This objective can be met by completing school work, social gatherings, and/or extracurricular activities. The Remote Control Car Program is mostly fit for students who are at risk of participating in detrimental activities and need guidance. 

We strive to be a part of the solution by helping make a difference in lives throughout the community. In a stable setting, students will be able to experience a program that is fun but also very productive. Students will develop communication skills and improve social emotional skills while staying engaged in a learning environment. 

We have special incentives planned for our kids at least twice a month alongside college visits throughout the summer. By us having special incentives for our kids it gives them something to look forward to each and every month. We pride ourselves on bringing the best out of our students each and every day to help them realize they can accomplish whatever they put their minds to.